Building a strong foundation for our youth through values, community , and faith-based education.


405 E. National Rd

Vandalia, Ohio 45377

937 898 5104

937 454 4790 fax

07:30 am - 3:30 pm

Monday to Friday
Office Hours


405 E. National Road
Vandalia, Ohio 45377

937 898 5104

937 454 4790 fax

Falcons Pride

Hello! I hope you had a wonderful Thanksgiving Break. It was nice to get back in the swing of things today! Schedule: A Few Things:  1. Our Thanksgiving Week Food Drive was a major success! Just about 3,000 items were donated. Thank you for your support! 2. Over the next few weeks, I will be going into classes to do a […]
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Hello! Here is a look at the quiet week ahead… Schedule: A Few Things: 1. The cold days are approaching… please be sure your child has a coat and hat for outdoor recess 🙂2. The kids rocked our Kindness Bingo Boards last week. So much positivity around the building in honor of World Kindness Day. Let’s keep that going!3. If […]
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Hello and Happy Monday! Schedule: A Few Things:1. Our SChirt Sale was a huge success… over 200 SChirts sold! THANK YOU! We are hoping to have them shipped and sorted before Thanksgiving Break.2. What a beautiful 2nd Grade First Reconciliation Retreat this weekend. I was filled with such emotion as I saw the kids rotate stations and go to confession. What […]
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Hello and Happy Monday! A quiet week ahead… Schedule: A Few Things:1. The PTO Meeting is tonight in the Library at 6:30pm.2. The SChirt Sale ends tomorrow. If you are interested in purchasing, here is the link: 24-25 SChirt Order Link3. This Friday will be an OUT OF UNIFORM DAY. It is a make up from the November 1 First Friday.4. […]
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Good Morning!Here is your Monday (Tuesday) Message.Schedule: A Few Things:1. What a wonderful Trunk or Treat event. A huge thanks to PTO and all of you for making it a huge success. What a beautiful SC community we have!2. Bracelet Making Club was a huge hit. We will be back at it on Wednesday! 3. Our SC Preschoolers will be […]
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Hello, Lots happening this week at SC! Schedule: A Few Things: 1. I wanted to make you aware of our Tardy Policy: Tardy Policy The school day starts promptly at 7:45 AM.  Students are to be in their homeroom at the time the bell rings.  Any student who arrives at the building after 7:45 AM will need to report to the […]
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Hello! Boy are my days off… Monday got away from me. I have a feeling this will be a week where I never know what day it is.  Happy Tuesday. Here is your Monday Message 🙂 Schedule:A Few Things: 1. We had a wonderful few days of Professional Development. On Friday, our teachers learned more about iReady and how to […]
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Hello and Happy Monday! Schedule: A Few Things: 1. SHOUT OUT to our Kindergarteners! They did a great job at Mass last week. It was so wonderful to have the whole school together.  2. We will begin tracking our iReady Personalized Instruction Lessons this week. Each classroom has a goal for lesson time and completion throughout the week. We have […]
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Hello! How are we to October this week? TIME. IS. FLYING. Schedule: A Few Things:1. Thank you for a successful conference week. Double thanks to PTO for providing City BBQ Dinner for our teachers 🙂 2. We are making our way with our yearly Bible Verse! Galatians 5: 22-23 The fruit of the Spirit is love, joy, peace, patience, kindness, […]
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Good Morning! Happy Monday 🙂 Schedule: A Few Things: 1. i-Ready testing was great last week. We have a few makeups to complete this week. Starting next week, we will begin working on our Personalized Instruction Lessons. More details on that to come. 2. Conferences are this Thursday and Friday. Sign ups for conferences will close on Tuesday evening, September 24. This […]
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