I hope you didn’t lose too much sleep without my Monday Message yesterday 🙂

A Few Things:
1. Advent Day Lessons have been an absolute blast. More classes to visit and fun to come this week!
2. PTO’s Holiday Grams are due this week. Please see the attached flyer.

3. This Friday, December 13 will be a Grinch OOU Day. Get your green on!
4. Band Concert- Thursday, December 12 at St. Peter School.
Per Mr. Linegang’s Email:
5:30pm- Students arrive to St. Peter Gym Entrance
6:15pm- Doors will open for family/friends
6:30pm- Concert begins
1. The K-4th Grade Christmas Concert is Tuesday, December 17 at 6pm in the St. Christopher Church.
2. If you drop off in the 4th-8th Grade Drop Off Zone, please be sure to pull up all the way to the end of the sidewalk. This way we can fit the most cars in for a drop off. Your child might have to back track to the door a bit… they can do it!
3. A reminder that every Friday is SChirt Day! Kids can wear the current 24-25 SChirt or former SChirts with uniform bottoms.
4. The text and email features from FACTS will be how I communicate delays and closings. If looking online/tv, we do follow Vandalia Butler.
5. Please be sure your child has a coat and hat for walking in and out of the school… and outdoor recess 🙂
6. Please write your family name in uniform sweatshirts and coats for easier return. Thank you!
7. Please continue to closely monitor your cafeteria balances.
Mrs. Trentman
Melinda Trentman
St. Christopher School Principal
405 E. National Road, Vandalia, OH 45377