January 20, 2023
Hello Falcon Family!
I’m sorry I haven’t written in two weeks. Did you even notice? Well, Fr. Kyle was trying to fire me and we’ve been in appeals court for two weeks. Just kidding.
Re-enrollment will open on February 1 and Open Enrollment (for the public) on March 1. If you have not yet completed your intent to return survey, please do so at your earliest convenience using this link: Intent to Return Survey.
Mardi Gras is back!! February 10, 2023, 5:00 – 8:00 pm

Catholic Schools Week begins with Family Mass & Open House: Sunday, January 29th

Financial Assistance from the Archdiocese of Cincinnati:

Father Daughter Dance will happen at the end of March. More details to come!
Have a great weekend!
St. Christopher School Principal