What time does the school day begin and end?
School hours are 7:50 AM to 2:40 PM, students can be dropped off beginning at 7:30 AM.
Is bus transportation available?
Transportation is available through Vandalia-Butler, Northmont, Tipp City, and Northridge School districts.
Do you have a hot lunch program?
Yes, the cost of a hot lunch is $3.00 and includes milk. The milk price is $.60. Microwaves are available to heat packed lunches.
What service projects are the students involved with?
St. Chris students are supporters of various charities, including Vandalia Pantry, House of Bread, Elizabeth’s New Life Center, Doctors without Borders, and the American Heart Association.
Are students expected to take part in Catholic practices?
Our students participate in weekly Mass, Eucharistic Adoration, praying the Rosary, and daily prayer to start school and at dismissal.
Do the students get to take Art, Music, Physical Education and Computer?
Yes, most students have Art, Music and Computer once a week and PE twice a week.
Is Band offered?
Student’s grades 5-8 may take Band in place of Music class. There is an additional fee for being in the band. Our music teacher also provides private guitar lessons before or after school.
What extra-curricular programs are offered at St. Christopher School?
St. Christopher School offers CYO athletics, STEM Club, Robotics Team, Drama Club, Art Service Club, Rosary Club, and Student Council.
Are Honors classes available?
Honors classes are offered beginning in the 6th grade in math and reading. 8th grade students can receive high school credit for Algebra I, Geometry and Spanish classes.
Is there a dress code?
There is a uniform policy that is stated in the Student Handbook.