August 19, 2022
Hello Falcon Family!
What an amazing first week of school! Minus the bus issues.
Our ’22-23 School Theme is from St. Paul’s first letter to the the Thessalonians, Chapter 5, Verse 11: “Therefore, encourage one another and build one another up, as indeed you do.” It’s a timeless exhortation, but it seems especially important for our world in 2022. Today, Prayer Families met for the first time and did an activity together. We ended our day with prayer and Mass preparation in the church. It was a great end to our first week!
Car Riders
- AM Drop Off
- It will get better. We have more students this year, as well as a larger percentage of students not riding the bus. Here are a few tips to help make things go faster.
- If you are the first car in line, please pull all the way up to the very first cone. That will allow more cars to pull into the unloading zone.
- If your child is not able to unbuckle and exit your car on his/her own, please consider parking in front of the church (see below) and walking to the door.
- If your child has a meltdown at the time of unloading, please consider waiting until the cars in front of you unload, and then pull around to the church parking lot and walk in.
- Once in the unloading zone, cars should not exit the unloading zone unless all of the cars in front of you have exited.
- PM Pick Up
- Once the lot is full of cars and students are being loaded into cars, cars should not move or attempt to exit until a teacher instructs the very first car to move. Once the first car moves, the rest of the cars may follow. WE must make sure all children are in cars before any cars start moving.
- Walk-ins & Church Parking Lot
- If you are parking and walking your child to the school doors, please park in the north end of the church lot (red arrow) and walk though the cones (yellow circle) to the sidewalk in order to avoid exiting cars. Please do not park in a spot that requires you to cross school traffic.

COVID Corner: While COVID cases are not getting as much attention as the last two August openings, I do want parents to be aware of our COVID-19 policies.
- We will remain mask-optional unless the Health Department mandates masks. While the Health Department is currently recommending masks, they are not mandating them.
- We will continue to welcome and encourage any student or staff member to wear a mask, if one feels it is in one’s best interest to do so. We will not tolerate harassment at level or for any reason.
- Staying home when sick: Students and staff should stay home when symptoms of cough, fever, sore throat, vomiting, or diarrhea occur. If testing is positive for COVID-19, CDC isolation guidelines should be followed.
- CDC Isolation Guidelines:
- If you test positive for COVID-19,
- stay home for at least 5 full days and isolate from others in your home….AND…
- wear a mask for at least 10 full days
- Day 0 is the day your symptoms started or, if you did not have symptoms, the day you tested positive.
- You may end isolation after Day 5 if:
- You are fever-free for 24 hours (without the use of fever-reducing medication)…AND…
- Your symptoms are improving
- Removing Your Mask
- You may remove your mask after 10 full days…OR…
- If you have two sequential negative tests 48 hours apart, you may remove your mask sooner than 10 Days.
- If you test positive for COVID-19,
- CDC Exposure Guidelines: After being exposed to COVID-19:
- Wear a mask for 10 full days. Day 0 is the day of your last exposure to someone with COVID-19. Day 1 is the first full day after your last exposure.
- It recommended, but not required, that you test after 5 full days.
That’s all for now.
Have a blessed weekend!
-Mr. O’
St. Christopher School Principal