Building a strong foundation for our youth through values, community , and faith-based education.


405 E. National Rd

Vandalia, Ohio 45377

937 898 5104

937 454 4790 fax

07:30 am - 3:30 pm

Monday to Friday
Office Hours


405 E. National Road
Vandalia, Ohio 45377

937 898 5104

937 454 4790 fax

Falcons Pride

November 13, 2020 Hello Falcons Families!COVID-19: The school needs to be informed of all cases and potential cases of COVID-19 as soon as possible, so we can act on that information and minimize spread. If your student is at home sick with COVID symptoms, please let us know symptom specifics when you call the office that morning. If your student is […]
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November 6, 2020 Hello Falcons Families! USDA Free Lunch Program for All Students:St. Christopher School is now participating in the schoolwide USDA federally funded free lunch program through the end of the school year 2021. Starting this Monday, all students, regardless of income, may receive a free lunch through the end of May 2021. The program is retroactive, so those […]
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October 30, 2020 Hello Falcons Families! Well, we made it through 10 weeks without a positive case. As one parent said, “we had a good run.” Indeed, we did have a good run. Our first positive COVID-19 test result arrived at 2:00 PM on Wednesday. By 2:30 PM, we had all close contacts identified and prepared for a two-week quarantine, […]
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October 28, 2020 Hello Falcons, St. Christopher School has been notified there has been a positive case of COVID-19 reported in a student or staff member, and we are working closely with Public Health – Dayton & Montgomery County to ensure the proper steps are being taken to stop the spread of COVID-19 within our school population. ***This is a […]
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October 23, 2020 Hello Falcons Families! Water Bottle Fillers: we now have two water bottle filling stations thanks to a generous donor! Water fountain bubblers are still disconnected, so please send your student to school with a refillable water bottle. COVID-19 Guidelines New Definition of Close Contact: The CDC changed its definition of a close contact on October 21. A close contact […]
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October 18, 2020 Hello Falcon Faithful! I hope you are having a blessed weekend. No school news today, just a weekend reflection. Yesterday, I was praying about this past week at school, and all of its ups and downs. As the ups rose to the top and the downs faded away, I felt an incredible sense of peace and gratitude […]
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October 16, 2020 Hello Falcons! Remote-Learning Policy Update First and foremost, thank you for your patience as we all learn what is working well and not so well. When students switch from the in-class learning model to the at-home learning model, it creates a disruption in learning for all parties involved…sometimes small, but sometimes significant. For those reasons, we need […]
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October 9, 2020 Hello Falcons! Wednesday’s Rosary Procession was glorious! It was a beautiful display of faith and community. We will definitely do it again! You can view the full video on our Facebook page including the 8th grade performance of Lord I Lift Your Name on High. Halloween Celebrations will happen in the classroom on Friday October 30th. Teachers will communicate class-specific plans with […]
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October 7, 2020Hello Falcon Parents!Rosary Procession to celebrate the memorial of Our Lady of the Rosary. *Today at 1:00 PM. *Please join us via Facebook Live on the official St. Christopher School page. **Please be patient and merciful. This is our first attempt to live streaming an outdoor event with 300 people, multiple technologies, strong wind, and probably a more than […]
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October 2, 2020 Hello Falcons! Rosary Procession: the entire school will participate in a Rosary procession on Wednesday, October 7th at 1:00 PM to celebrate the feast of Our Lady of the Rosary. If live-streaming is available, we will share those details on Tuesday. 40 Days for Life: a different grade is walking to the fence each day and praying a Rosary […]
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