Building a strong foundation for our youth through values, community , and faith-based education.


405 E. National Rd

Vandalia, Ohio 45377

937 898 5104

937 454 4790 fax

07:30 am - 3:30 pm

Monday to Friday
Office Hours


405 E. National Road
Vandalia, Ohio 45377

937 898 5104

937 454 4790 fax

Author: stcadmin

September 25, 2020 Hello Falcons Friends! Virtual Parent Teacher Conferences: We are excited for conferences in three weeks! October 15th (3:00-7:30 PM) October 16th (8:00-11:30 AM) We are anticipating more conference requests than usual because they are virtual. Therefore, we are trying a new registration process to make sure parents and teachers with known issues are guaranteed time slots. We […]
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September 18, 2020 Hello Falcons Families!  Here are a few stories and updates as we close out Week 5… Calendar: Please make sure you have the below dates on your calendar. Our Online Calendar was recently updated with the below dates. October 2: Teacher Professional Development Day – No school for students October 15 (3:00-7:30 PM): Virtual Parent-Teacher Conferences October […]
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September 9, 2020 Hello Falcons! Picture Day is tomorrow/Thursday, September 10! It is an out of uniform day and the usual guidance applies. At-Home Learner Options: Recommended Option: Thursday 9/24 in the Library Last Names A-M: 8:30 AM Last Names N-Z: 9:00 AM Option 2: Thursday 9/10 10:30 AM in the Library Mass: we had our first Mass today with grades 1-4. […]
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September 3, 2020 Hello Falcons! Water: the water main has been fixed and in-school learning will resume tomorrow. We requested a quote to replace the entire line, since it is so old. Not surprisingly, it will be expensive and require an extended closure of the school. For these reasons, we will revisit the quote during the summer or if the school […]
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August 7, 2020 Hello Falcon Parents! I want to share a few updates with you and present you with one more survey. Several things have changed since my last letter and your preferences may have also changed.   We are asking all families to complete one more survey because we are removing the 3-2 option, we are now requiring full-time […]
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August 1, 2020 Hello Falcon Families! As promised, today is registration day! The County Health Department published a document yesterday recommending all Montgomery County K-12 schools “begin the 2020 fall academic year in a remote learning environment as the preferred option for students.” I recommend you read that document before completing your registration survey. The document can be found at […]
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July 29, 2020 Hello Falcon Parents! You can find the Town Hall Meeting FAQ at the below link. We tried to summarize and not elaborate, but the document is still quite long. The FAQ is simply meant to share the Q&A from the Town Hall Meetings; it is not meant to be a revised “Reopening Plan”. Town Hall FAQDepending on […]
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July 20, 2020Hello Falcon Nation!This is just a reminder and a couple of comments.Town Hall Meetings Town Hall Meetings start tonight at 7:00 PM! You are welcome to attend any or all of the meetings, but we are grouping grades on certain days because some content may be grade specific. All meetings will use the same Google Meet link (below). Google […]
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July 15, 2020 Hello Falcon Friends! Below is our long-awaited Reopening Plan! It is a lot to process, so I will summarize by saying that we will reopen on time (August 17th) with six feet of social distance and no masks while students are seated at their desks. Here are the details…Survey Results of Parent Preferences 20% prefer to learn […]
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Tim O’Loughlin I am excited to announce that the next principal for St. Christopher School is Tim O’Loughlin! He will officially begin July 1st. I extend my gratitude to the members of the Principal Search Committee who spent many hours in the search for the right person for this very important position in our parish. And I can’t say “THANK […]
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