Hello and Happy Monday!

A Few Things:
1. SHOUT OUT to our Kindergarteners! They did a great job at Mass last week. It was so wonderful to have the whole school together.
2. We will begin tracking our iReady Personalized Instruction Lessons this week. Each classroom has a goal for lesson time and completion throughout the week. We have fun incentives and prizes to give out. Woooo!
3. There is a PTO Meeting tonight (Monday, October 7) at 6:30pm in the school library.
4. A reminder there is no school on Friday, October 11 or Monday, October 14. I hope the kids don’t miss me too much!
5. Please check out Mr. O’s SGO email that he sent out last week.
Previous Reminders:
1. Please continue to closely monitor your cafeteria balances.
2. Please write your family name in uniform sweatshirts and coats for easier return. Thank you!
3. Recess volunteers are needed! Especially with the cold weather approaching… more volunteers are needed for indoor recess. Please contact Mrs. Schindler if you are available- jschindler@sc.sgfp.org.
4. Starting in November, K-5th Grade Students must wear uniform pants. I want to give you this heads up so you have a few weeks to double check pants, gym sweats, and leggings/tights (for under jumpers, skirts, skorts).
Have a great week!
Peace and Blessings
Mrs. Trentman
Melinda Trentman
St. Christopher School Principal
405 E. National Road, Vandalia, OH 45377