Building a strong foundation for our youth through values, community , and faith-based education.


405 E. National Rd

Vandalia, Ohio 45377

937 898 5104

937 454 4790 fax

07:30 am - 3:30 pm

Monday to Friday
Office Hours


405 E. National Road
Vandalia, Ohio 45377

937 898 5104

937 454 4790 fax

The child has one intuitive aim: self development

9/23 Monday Message

Good Morning!

Happy Monday 🙂


A Few Things:

1. i-Ready testing was great last week. We have a few makeups to complete this week. Starting next week, we will begin working on our Personalized Instruction Lessons. More details on that to come.

2. Conferences are this Thursday and Friday. Sign ups for conferences will close on Tuesday evening, September 24. This allows teachers time to prepare for their conferences come Thursday/Friday. Classroom teachers sent their links to you last week. Please let me know if you need a sign up link.

Here are the links for Specials Teachers:

Mrs. Farley (Art)-

Ms. Gerhard (Music)-

Mrs. Richard (PE)-

Mrs. Wheeler (Computer)-

3. We will begin reading from the 40 Days for Life Prayer Packet during announcements starting on Wednesday. Yay for the babes!

4. The Feast of St. Gabriel is this weekend! Hope to see you at Mass to celebrate this wonderful day… Go SGFP!

5. PTO has organized a super fun TRUNK OR TREAT for next month. Mark your calendars- see the attached flyer 🙂

Previous Reminders:

1. Please continue to closely monitor your cafeteria balances.

2. Please write your family name in uniform sweatshirts for easier return. Thank you!

3. During morning drop off, it is important that the K-3rd drop off students exit their car on the right side. We have a lot of cars moving about and children cutting between the cars is dangerous. All students should exit the right side of the car.

Have a wonderful week!


Mrs. Trentman


Melinda Trentman
St. Christopher School Principal 
405 E. National Road, Vandalia, OH 45377

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