Hello Falcon Families!
Happy Monday 🙂
I plan to send a Monday Message to give you a glimpse into the happenings of the week.

A Few Things:
1. Prayer Families have started! Prayer Families combine students in different grades to sit together at Mass. They participate in various activities together and become a little unit for the year. We met with our new families last week. The kids did a name game activity before decorating their banners. There is nothing sweeter than walking around the building watching the big kids guide the littles on activities. New this year, prayer families will have banners to mark their pew. We have our first All School Mass tomorrow. To help with the transition, we wait to send Kindergarten to Mass until October.
2. Our new Bible Verse for the year is Galatians 5:22-23 “The fruit of the spirit is love, joy, peace, patience, kindness, generosity, faithfulness, gentleness, and self-control.” This will be our inspiration for the SChirt and other activities throughout the year.
3. The SChirt Day is a tradition started a few years ago. After prayer and reflection, a Bible Verse emerges. This verse is the inspiration for the SChirt design. While we do not have the new SChirt for this school year yet, children are encouraged to wear a former SChirt with uniform bottoms. If you do not have a SChirt, no problem! Regular uniform is perfect.
4. Payschool (our lunch account program) is having maintenance issues. Accounts cannot be reached at this time. Be on the lookout for an email from Mrs. Thompson on behalf of St. Albert Nutrition.
5. The first PTO Meeting is tonight in the library from 6:30pm-7:30pm. Hope to see you there!
Previous Reminders:
1. Another successful round of drop off this morning. Be sure to reference the 8/16 email with reminders for drop off and pick up.
2. Recess volunteers are needed. Please contact Mrs. Schindler if you are available- jschindler@sc.sgfp.org.
3. If you believe you qualify for Free/Reduced lunch, please complete the form as soon as possible. If you were eligible last year, you still must complete a new form for the new year. Free/Reduced Application
I hope you have a wonderful week!
Mrs. Trentman
Melinda Trentman
St. Christopher School Principal
405 E. National Road, Vandalia, OH 45377