Provider: A Non-Public School that accepts either the EdChoice Traditional Scholarship or the EdChoice Expansion Scholarship.
Designated School: “Designated building” is a school building on the published list of the Department of Education’s website ( that have not passed certain test criteria on the Ohio Department of Education report card, thus making those students eligible for the EdChoice Traditional Scholarship.
EdChoice Traditional Scholarship: A scholarship provided to an applicant whose designated public school of attendance is on the EdChoice Eligible Buildings list. This scholarship pays up to $4650.
EdChoice Expansion Scholarship: A scholarship provided to an applicant who is not eligible for the EdChoice Traditional Scholarship but meets low income requirements. When applying for an EdChoice scholarship for the first time the total income must be at or below 200% of the federal poverty guidelines. For EdChoice families who are renewing their child’s expansion scholarship for the next school year, the amount awarded is based on where their family’s household income falls on the federal poverty guidelines up to 400%. For example, a family of 4 currently on the Expansion Scholarship could make up to $103,00 for the next school year and receive a 50% scholarship.