Building a strong foundation for our youth through values, community , and faith-based education.


405 E. National Rd

Vandalia, Ohio 45377

937 898 5104

937 454 4790 fax

07:30 am - 3:30 pm

Monday to Friday
Office Hours


405 E. National Road
Vandalia, Ohio 45377

937 898 5104

937 454 4790 fax

Author: stcadmin

Come out and support our 8th Grade Students. EVENT CANCELLED *ADULTS ONLY* $15 Per Muggle  / House Discount for Team of 6 ($12/muggle) Proceeds from the Trivia Night will benefit the Washington D.C. Trip
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Congratulations to former Falcon, Jack Huffman on being named a semi-finalist by the National Merit Scholarship Program.
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Join Cub Scout Pack 466 Love to camp, race pinewood derby cars, learn new skills, meet new friends and most importantly have lots of FUN!? Then Cub Scouts is for you! . Attend our recruitment night to learn more about our Pack.
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Come Support our 8th Grade Students and help send them to Washington, D.C. Sunday, September 15, 2019 10:00am – 2:00pm St. Chris Center for Children Parking Lot Car Washes by Donation
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Join us Thursday, September 5th from 6:00 pm – 8:00 PM for a back to school picnic with fun activities for the entire family! Please bring chairs and blankets as well as a side dish to share. The school will provide chicken and water for families. We hope to see you there to welcome all of your students back to […]
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Don’t miss out on our Spirit Wear Fundraiser. Orders may be placed using the form below and sending it to school by September 23rd. Students may wear the Spirit Wear on designated Spirit Wear Days.
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We hope everyone had a blessed summer!  Her are some upcoming dates to kick off a great school year! We look forward to seeing each and everyone of you!                                       We look forward to seeing each and everyone of you@
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On March 15th, I asked Paul Beyerle (pastoral council member with an extensive background in public and parochial education) to lead a Task Force to determine the contributing factors of the declining enrollment at St. Christopher School in the last five years and identify the factors over which we might have some control. Paul enthusiastically accepted and assembled a qualified and passionate team: […]
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Please find your child’s required school supply list below: 2019-2020_School_Supply_List
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We would like you to help us welcome Ms. Dahlinghaus to our staff as our new kindergarten teacher!  Mrs. Vincze has decided to stay home with her new baby and girls.  We will miss her, but know Ms. Dahlinghaus will be a great addition to our family!!
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