Building a strong foundation for our youth through values, community , and faith-based education.


405 E. National Rd

Vandalia, Ohio 45377

937 898 5104

937 454 4790 fax

07:30 am - 3:30 pm

Monday to Friday
Office Hours


405 E. National Road
Vandalia, Ohio 45377

937 898 5104

937 454 4790 fax

Author: stcadmin

Hello! Many of your houses have been hit by the lovely illness bugs over the last few months. Well… Team Trentman was hit last week. I was out for the majority of the week… ugh sorry to be MIA! I started tackling emails today. Thank you for your patience. It is good to be back. Schedule: A Few Things: I […]
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Hello and Happy Monday! Schedule: A Few Things: 1. Starting on March 1, shorts were permitted to be worn to school. Although permitted, still check the weather. It is Ohio. 2. Conferences are scheduled for after school on Thursday, March 13. Teachers sent out requests to families last week for students that they need to see. For families not contacted, […]
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Hello! Schedule: A Few Things: 1. Please continue to pack until Monday, March 10. Ms. Shelby, our Cafeteria Manager, is having food delivered this week. We are hoping to be up and running next Monday. 2. Mrs. Richard was back in the gym today. Wooooo- some sense of normalcy! 3. This week we hope to have the kids eat their […]
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Hello 🙂 Not much to report this week. Schedule: A Few Things: Mrs. Hartley has put together a wonderful Book Fair for SC! Please be sure to note the important dress up days for the week in the schedule above/attached. Please be sure to get your tickets for the Gala! You are invited! The Gala is a night of fellowship […]
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Hello and Happy Monday! I hope the kids are enjoying this extra long weekend. Schedule: A Few Things:1.  Please continue to pack lunches until further notice.2. If you have not re-enrolled, please do so as soon as possible. If you are not re-enrolling, please select that option within FACTS. This is very important to secure your spot for next year. […]
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Hello and Happy Tuesday! Schedule: A Few Things:1. The fruit of the Spirit we are hanging on to is patience… boy oh boy I cannot thank the students, staff, and families for their patience. Even though we are back in the building, we still have to adjust parts of our day. The kids and staff have done a wonderful job […]
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Hello and HAPPY CATHOLIC SCHOOLS WEEK! Thank you for your support, trust, and partnership as we guide these beautiful little ones (yes… even our junior high- I still think of them as my little 4th graders) in faith! St. Christopher School is such a special place.  Schedule: A Few Things:1. Re-enrollment is up and rolling! Thanks for your patience as we worked through […]
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Hello SC Families! Schedule: A Few Things:1. Tuesday, January 21: St. Christopher School will be on a 2 Hour Delay. Drop off is from 9:30am-9:45am. Students will not go to Mass on Tuesday. 2. i-Ready Reading Diagnostic 2 Testing begins this week. The diagnostic is administered over two days- smaller chunks of testing to break down the assessment. Teachers have […]
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Hello and Happy Monday! A 5 day week? I don’t know if we can make it 🙂 Schedule: A Few Things:1. A big CONGRATULATIONS to our recently confirmed 8th Graders. What a beautiful Mass yesterday. Best of luck as they continue on their faith journey! 2. i-Ready Math Diagnostic 2 Testing begins this week. The diagnostic is administered over two […]
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Hello! Merry Christmas and Happy New Year! … And Happy Snow Day! Team Trentman had a wonderful and restful break. I hope yours was filled with joy and peace! Second half of the year, here we go! Not much to report as we get back in the swing of things… Schedule: A Few Things: 1. The PTO Meeting tonight will be […]
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