Happy Monday 🙂

A Few Things:
1. There is a PTO Meeting tonight in the Library from 6:30pm-7:30pm.
2. Priest Visits: After our weekly Masses, the priest comes into the school to visit with a grade. He might answer questions, play a game with the kids, speak on a topic they are focusing on in Religion Class, etc. It really is just a beautiful time for the kids to interact with the priest. They all (both kids and priests) look forward to the time!
3. Please send some prayers up for our 6th Graders and teacher chaperones headed to their Damascus Retreat this week.
4. On Friday, September 13 we will have Crazy Sock/Shoe Day. With their uniform, the kids can wear mismatched socks/shoes, slippers, decorate their shoes (put in pipe cleaners in their laces, etc). Should be fun!
5. Our Vandalia Bus Transfer System has been wonderful. A huge thanks to our staff for their help in organizing the students. Another big thanks to the students for patiently waiting by our signs, putting on their name tags, and watching out for the younger students. I have been so impressed with them! I rode the bus last week- I was like a proud momma watching them file out and onto their transfer bus.
6. Falcon Flight (our after school tutoring/homework help program) begins this week! Information went home with the kids last week. If you have questions, please email Mrs. Kandel. ckandel@sc.sgfp.org
Previous Reminders:
1. i-Ready Math Diagnostic Testing begins this week. The diagnostic is administered over two days- smaller chunks of testing to break down the assessment. Teachers have signed up for their class period blocks. We are ready to roll! Please be sure the kids are getting rest each night and eating a good breakfast 🙂
2. Please continue to closely monitor your cafeteria balances. The notification system is up and running. Last week was great!
3. We have an Extra Time Table created in the cafeteria for those students needing a bit more time to eat. It has worked out really well the past few weeks.
4. If you believe you qualify for Free/Reduced lunch, please complete the form as soon as possible. If you were eligible last year, you still must complete a new form for the new year. Free/Reduced Application
5. Please write your family name in uniform sweatshirts for easier return. Thank you!
Have a great week!
Mrs. Trentman
Melinda Trentman
St. Christopher School Principal
405 E. National Road, Vandalia, OH 45377