I hope you are enjoying this beautiful day!

A Few Things:
1. The new Vandalia Bus Transfer System starts this week. See more information below.
2. I will be going around to classrooms this week to do my riveting iReady Diagnostic Hype Talk! iReady is the diagnostic tool that we use three times a year to track student growth. It has many other components that we will utilize throughout the year. Before we take the first diagnostic assessment, I am going to go into classrooms to talk about the assessment- the format, purpose, and importance. Exciting stuff!
3. Picture Day is Thursday, September 5. OOU. Pictures are taken in the morning. Be sure the kids have proper shoes if it is their gym day.
4. 3rd and 4th Grade Choir Practice begins this week with Ms. Katy. Please send in permission slips if your child would like to participate. Questions? Contact Ms. Katy- kmccormick@sgfp.org
1. Starting this week, we will be rolling out our Cafeteria Balance Notification System. This is the system that was created last year. In an effort to help cut down large negative balances for the cafeteria staff, we will continue with these procedures. It worked well, so we will give it a go!
First day the account is negative:
- A notification text will be sent to families when the account becomes negative
Second day the account is negative:
- A notification text will be sent to families
- Meal on credit (PBJ)
Third day the account is negative:
- Mrs. Trentman will call families
- Final meal on credit (PBJ)
- Account will be frozen until Auto-Replenish is established
2. A la carte snacks are now available in the cafeteria for our 3rd-8th graders. Once students have finished their lunch, they have the opportunity to go to the snack stand for purchasing. The kids must finish their snacks in the cafeteria; they cannot take snacks to their lockers, eat them at recess, or eat them later in their classrooms. We will be reinforcing this policy with the kids this week.
3. We have an Extra Time Table created in the cafeteria for those students needing a bit more time to eat. It has worked out really well the past few weeks.
4. If you believe you qualify for Free/Reduced lunch, please complete the form as soon as possible. If you were eligible last year, you still must complete a new form for the new year. Free/Reduced Application
Previous Reminders:
1. Vandalia bus update from Friday, 8/30: For those that ride Vandalia Busses: Starting on Tuesday, one bus will come to SC to pick up our students and take them to Morton for transfer to another bus. We have made signs and name tags for the students with their transfer bus number. We will also send a few staff members to Morton to be sure the transfer goes well. All hands on deck!
2. Please consider becoming involved with PTO- The online form can be found HERE
3. Please write your family name in uniform sweatshirts for easier return. Thank you!
See the kids tomorrow 🙂
Peace and Blessings,
Mrs. Trentman
Melinda Trentman
St. Christopher School Principal
405 E. National Road, Vandalia, OH 45377