Hello and Happy Tuesday!

A Few Things:
1. The fruit of the Spirit we are hanging on to is patience… boy oh boy I cannot thank the students, staff, and families for their patience. Even though we are back in the building, we still have to adjust parts of our day. The kids and staff have done a wonderful job rolling with the punches.
2. Please continue to pack lunches until further notice. Has anyone else been googling lunch ideas like I have?!
3. There is a walkthrough tomorrow morning to get some updates on the status of the water main, cafeteria, kitchen, etc. I will share more details tomorrow. I will say that 2nd Graders are the lucky ones! They have had a front row view of the repairs from Mrs. Johnson’s Room. We are all learning so much about water mains!
4. There is no Falcon Flight on Thursday, February 13.
5. Thursday, February 13 is our Valentine’s Day party day. The kids may be OOU in their pink/red/Valentine colors.
6. There is no school for students on Friday, February 14. We have a Staff Professional Development Day.
7. Please submit re-enrollment by Friday, February 14. If you are not re-enrolling, please select that option within FACTS.
- Please go to www.factsmgt.com
- Select Parent Log In from the menu bar and FACTS Family Portal from the drop-down menu.
- Type in your username and password. If you have forgotten your username or password, please click on the link provided.
- After logging in, click on Apply/Enroll in the left menu.
- Click on the Enrollment/Reenrollment link.
8. Updated Catholic Schools Week Dress Up Dates:
Back by popular demand… our dress up days have been rescheduled.
–Wednesday, February 19: Dress as a teacher or in your teacher’s favorite color. Bring in a flower for your teacher (real or homemade).
–Thursday, February 20: Dress as a fruit to celebrate the fruits of the Spirit
-Friday, February 21: OOU Day
9. We are postponing the Mardi Gras Carnival (originally scheduled for Friday, February 28). With all the adjustments and repairs going on in the building, we need to cancel the event for now. The committee is going to work on a reschedule date for later this school year. More to come on that.
1. Be sure to check out the Gala links below… It is sure to be a wonderful evening!
– You are invited! The Gala is a night of fellowship and community. Please join! You can purchase tickets here!
– You can see our different giving levels and make a donation using THIS LINK.
2. The Archdiocese of Cincinnati has a Financial Assistance Scholarship Opportunity through the Catholic Education Foundation (CEF).
– Based on Financial Need
– Deadline to apply is February 16, 2025
– Click HERE for more information.
3. A reminder that every Friday is SChirt Day! Kids can wear the current 24-25 SChirt or previous SChirts with uniform bottoms.
4. The text and email features from FACTS will be how I communicate delays and closings. If looking online/tv, we do follow Vandalia Butler.
5. Please be sure your child has a coat and hat for walking in and out of the school… and outdoor recess 🙂
6. Please write your family name in uniform sweatshirts and coats for easier return. Thank you!
7. Please continue to closely monitor your cafeteria balances.
Have a great week!
Mrs. Trentman
Melinda Trentman
St. Christopher School Principal
405 E. National Road, Vandalia, OH 45377