Good Morning!
Here is your Monday (Tuesday) Message.

A Few Things:1. What a wonderful Trunk or Treat event. A huge thanks to PTO and all of you for making it a huge success. What a beautiful SC community we have!
2. Bracelet Making Club was a huge hit. We will be back at it on Wednesday!
3. Our SC Preschoolers will be parading around the school on Wednesday and Thursday. Can’t wait to see those littles all dressed up! On Thursday, our Kindergarteners will join the parade. Our students will line the halls and celebrate them!
4. Thursday will be our Halloween Party Day. The kids can dress in costume or in Halloween colors. Please be sure all costumes are appropriate for school (no gore/violence, must have appropriate props, nothing offensive, etc.)
5. This week, Mass will be on Friday, November 1 at 9:00am for All Saints Day. We hope you can join us. If your child is participating in the All Saints Day Procession, they may come to school dressed as their saint. Please remember that the costume should be worn over their uniform and be easy to change out of after Mass. *Please send in permission slips by tomorrow, Wednesday, October 30. Thank you!
6. UNIFORM CHANGE: NO OOU on Friday, November 1. The students will be in uniform for Mass. I am moving the OOU to Friday, November 8.
7. Remember that come Friday, November 1, K-5th Grade Students must wear uniform pants. Please use this week to double check pants, gym sweats, and leggings/tights (for under jumpers, skirts, skorts).
8. Please be sure to empty, sign, and return your child’s Report Card Envelope to school this week.
9. Interested in volunteering for a Gala Committee? Please complete the sign up link- Spring Gala 2025 Committee Sign-Ups
10. The 24-25 SChirt is now available! Please check out the link for purchasing: 24-25 SChirt Order Link
- It is a Gildan Softstyle Jersey T-shirt in white.
- The SChirt is available to the public, so please feel free to buy for family and friends.
- Students are permitted to wear their SChirt every Friday with uniform bottoms.
- SChirts are complimentary for our 8th Grade Class- we will check in with students on sizes.
- If you are interested in donating a SChirt, please let me know.
- The sale ends on Tuesday, November 5.
- All SChirts will be mailed to the school. We will sort and send them home with the kids.
Previous Reminders:1. A reminder that our Tardy Policy will go into effect on Friday, November 1:
Tardy Policy
The school day starts promptly at 7:45 AM. Students are to be in their homeroom at the time the bell rings. Any student who arrives at the building after 7:45 AM will need to report to the office to sign in. Students with 3 unexcused lates/tardies in a month will receive an after-school detention. Each additional tardy, after the third, will result in a one day suspension. After 3 one day suspensions, this will be considered a Class C offense and the consequence could be expulsion. We are putting an emphasis on punctuality. Being on time is important to the smooth operation of a school.2. Be sure to jump online for your uniform needs- EDUCATIONAL APPAREL WEBSITE
3. Please continue to closely monitor your cafeteria balances.
4. Please write your family name in uniform sweatshirts and coats for easier return. Thank you!
Have a wonderful week 🙂
Mrs. Trentman
Melinda Trentman
St. Christopher School Principal
405 E. National Road, Vandalia, OH 45377